Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to the Old Grindstone...

Iz is back home with us...she did a great job at her sleepover at Auntie D's last night and Hubby and I had a quiet evening at home sans child :) The greatest part is that Auntie D has agreed to let her sleepover again some time soon!

I also spoke to my heartbroken friend, on the phone this afternoon...she received (and loved!) the package I sent her. I found out what happened between her and her ex and, although I am still sad for her, I think the end of their relationship was the right decision.

Next up for us: Tomorrow a visit to D & S and kids tomorrow (maybe..and I'll remember my camera!), a potential visit from my in-laws Saturday and I am going to see West Side Story put on by a local high school on Sunday. Everything is pretty much up in the air except my Sunday plans - we'll see what actually happens over the next few days :)



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