Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Have Bad News.....and I Have GOOD News!

The bad news's been a rough couple of days. Thursday, which used to be my favorite day, was the beginning of a cold that has turned Iz into a red-nosed, hacking, sleep deprived, starving little monster. Poor little thing. She was fine Thursday until she got up from her nap; it was like I put my sweet, funny, loving Iz down for a nap and a very sick little girl replaced her and that is who has been here ALL WEEKEND! She had a fever Thursday which, thankfully, broke by bedtime, but since then has developed a hacking cough and a terrible runny nose. Hopefully she will be over it soon since both she and I have not had a good night's sleep in 3 days and we both show it. Plus, I am supposed to be meeting a friend from high school that I have not seen in YEARS and YEARS and YEARS on Tuesday and I really do not want to cancel, but probably will have to anyway :(

So, on a different note, these 2 gorgeous people are my nephew and his girlfriend whom I will fondly refer to as "SnL"

The good news is...they told Auntie D (S's mom) Thursday night that they are expecting a BABY in September! YAY! Just when Iz has pretty much completely left the baby stage (even though she'll always be MY BABY), a new baby will be showing up. Well, needless to say, Auntie D and Uncle Skip are thrilled, as is Nannie, who will now be a great-grandmother and Aunt Ju (my younger older sister) and, of course, ME who will be Great-Aunts!

I have already started searching knitting patterns and have found several that I will start soon. I do have a project in the works and a couple in the wings but as soon as they are done it's baby stuff, baby stuff, and MORE baby stuff!!!



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