So, my friend SK & I have been trying to get together at a park near her house ALL.SUMMER.LONG but it just hasn't worked out...until today :)
.Imagine my surprise when I received directions from her via email and discovered that the park is right smack in between the grocery store I shop at & the
WallyWorld we stop in when needed! I have driven by the entrance several times but never really paid any attention. It's a HUGE parcel of land covered in baseball, soccer & football fields but WAY in the back, all fenced in and restricted to kids under age 9 :) was this GEM:
.HUGE wooden structures including a big train, a
little train, a pirate ship & a castle...along with a sandbox, swings and monkey bars. We were there about 3 hours and had a BLAST! I
foresee many stops in the future
while out and about running errands!
.Thanks SK for showing us a great NEW place to play! We'll meet again soon when the A-man is back in town for even MORE good times :)
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