~the fact that the party was almost 3 weeks ago is irrelevant...their actual anniversary is Sunday...so let's just say I'm posting these now in celebration of their anniversary in 3 days and not because I haven't been able to get my act together any sooner than right now...humor me, ok? :)
No family get together is complete without a self-portrait....we took several...believe it or not, this is the best one (scary, huh?)
Even though the party wasn't a surprise, we DID have a few tricks up our sleeve. My parents' had no idea that we expected about 100 people...nor did they expect my Uncle (Mom's younger brother) to show up from PA...in fact, WE didn't even know he was coming until Friday morning!!!
He hid when my parents arrived to make it a "true" surprise.
.My cousin, "K" was another surprise..she flew in from the Biloxi area...
Y Mom Y
Y Mom Y
(definitely not looking her best, but at least she had changed out of the LONG SLEEVED BLACK SHIRT she showed up in....on Saturday afternoon...in August....in 90+ degree weather!!!!)
Now, I think my Dad did really well on party day. I know I haven't mentioned it, but he has Alzheimer's and some days are better than others. We made sure he was on site before the guests started arriving, rather than showing up to a HUGE group of people, some of whom he had not seen in years. We tried to keep him comfortable temperature-wise, and made sure he was hydrated and well-fed. Allin all, he did good. I know he enjoyed himself, even if he wasn't 100% sure what was going on, and I heard him laugh several times which is ALWAYS the best medicine.
Aunt M (Mom's sister) setting up the cake...YUM!
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