So, um.....yeah, it's September...but, the weather this week is GORGEOUS so I am turning my back on fall and turning my face to the sunshine :)
.I have finally gotten pictures from my parents'
anniversary party from BOTH of my
seesters. I've gone through them and they're ready to upload, but there is A LOT of them and it's, instead - how about some SUMMERTIME FUN!!!
.Slippin' and Slidin'
Oops...a lot more "
slippin'" than
slidin' :)
.Fun in Aunt J's pool
.Flotation Device OverloadIs it really necessary to wear a life jacket AND a ring around your waist while you're floating on a GIANT dragon?
I guess so!.
And, just for one more dose of the super-cuteness that is
IZ :)
A video...with SOUND this time!!!!
(thanks Aunt J!).
Party Pics coming soon....I PROMISE!!!!
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