Friday, September 25, 2009

Need MORE Tissues!

Ahhh...Grey's Anatomy.... *sigh*
I loved the premiere of the new season.
I cried for almost the entire 2 hours. The whole "George thing" is a real tough one, but it was made a lot easier by the fact that Mer-Der were getting "cozy" everywhere and every chance they got :) and the whole Yang-Hunt thing....H.O.T. Loved him in the HBO series Rome and LOVE LOVE LOVE him on Grey's :)
I'm still behind on my shows though. I haven't watched this week's Survivor and I also want to check out the new shows Mercy and Eastwick. If only I didn't need to sleep....then I would have all the time in the world. Instead I'll continue to try and fit them in first thing in the morning and last thing at night when Iz doesn't have control of the remote :)
Even though I don' t work a traditional "job"....TGIF!!!



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