The best part? It takes VIDEO.......WITH SOUND!!!!
(my old camera did video but without sound...who wants a video without sound? Seriously?)
It was a little dark in the house when I took this, but it's still pretty darn cute!
It was a little dark in the house when I took this, but it's still pretty darn cute!
Yesterday, we headed over for a play date with Mel & the boys where my NEW :) camera got quite the workout! I was trying to kill the batteries (online reviews claim it's a battery eater!) so I took FIFTY pictures and EIGHT videos....guess what? My power bar didn't even drop a line. I'm thinking it's just fine with batteries!
We played inside for a while...
Mel gave me the sweetest card and a small gift (tulip bulbs! yay!) in appreciation of our friendship. So nice of her! We met almost 3 years ago through a playgroup that had just begun in the area and I am SO glad that we did. She is the friend that I can be completely honest with, that shares my views of the world and parenting and marriage, someone that I can laugh with, someone I can be serious with, someone I can tell my hopes and fears to...
Thanks, Mel....for being a wonderful friend :)
Today, Iz and I went to story time at the library (as usual) and then made a "quick" stop at Nannie and Papa's to say hello. Only...our quick stop lasted 5 hours!!! My Auntie M was there helping Nannie do some cleaning/purging/sorting and I stayed to help. My mom is trying to downsize things, clear some things out and sell some things in a yard sale at some point so they can travel in the motor home this winter and maybe, someday, even sell their house!!! It's a BIG job...we're headed back Saturday afternoon to help some more.
One more day 'til Grey's Anatomy!!! I'm so excited!!!!
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