Monday, September 21, 2009

My Digital Camera... on it's way to camera heaven :(
This is a HUGE problem for that I hope to remedy within the next day or two. I've been having problems with mine for a while that I attributed to other things (like cheap batteries) but yesterday was the end of the line. Brand new dice. Freshly charged re-chargeable dice. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to work.
So, I'm on the hunt for a new one. There are a couple on sale this week that I'm going to check out either today or tomorrow so, hopefully, I'll find one that I like. I've been using Hubby's this weekend and now need to figure the easiest way to get them onto my laptop. I'm hoping the pictures I took this weekend came out nice since we had a BIG event here and I want to share it!!!
UGH! Camera shopping! NOT what I wanted to do this week!!!!



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