Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Big Deal!

We had an overnight guest Saturday night...SK's little one (often referred to as "The Bear") came and slept-over....VERY exciting for Iz who couldn't wait for her little friend to get here so they could PLAY!!!
Iz dragged out all her Little People to play with once we were inside.
After dinner, the girls settled on the couch to watch a movie...the vote was unanimous for "The Little Mermaid" :)
Then it was time for some ICE CREAM!
Hubby read the bedtime stories...so cute!

It took a while but they both eventually fell asleep...the Bear looks so teeny tiny...which she is :) and how she slept through Iz's snoring is beyond me!
Breakfast time!
Definitely a fun weekend!
On another note....Hubby came home last night with a new camera for me! I've been snapping pictures and shooting videos like a crazy person trying to decide if I want to keep it. The batteries are holding up well and it's pretty quick which is important when 99% of the pictures you take are of a kid who's always on the go! I'm downloading the pictures onto the laptop tonight to see how they are quality-wise and then I'll decide whether to keep it or not.



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