Oh yes, you read the title right....Hubby and I are kid-free...for the...
I dropped Iz off at Auntie D's this morning and they headed "upta camp" until Sunday :)
What are Hubby and I going to be up to all weekend you ask? Well, unfortunately, not a whole heckuva lot. Tonight we're headed down to Massachusetts to pick up a work truck for Hubby. Driving down together and then he'll drive the truck back and I'll drive his work car back....UGH! I'm seriously lacking sleep from HP last night (don't even ASK..it was THAT BAD!) so I'd really like to be curled up on the couch instead of making a 5+ hour round trip tonight but, alas, I have no choice :(
Tomorrow morning Hubby is bringing Callie to the vet - I plan on sleeping in! - then we have zero plans for the rest of the weekend! It's our last party/get-together free weekend until Labor Day so I think we're staying pretty close to home!
I'll be back on Monday!
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