Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Catching Up....

It's been over a week since I posted a "real" post....and it's been busy around here. So....I'll catch you up real quick:

Had to post this one, just for fun!

We had a play date last Tuesday with HC and her was 95 degrees out, so the sprinkler got dragged out and the kiddos had a ton of fun!

Although, Iz DID pout a little....

...but got over it quickly...

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful, but the weekend was FULL (well, for me, at least).

Saturday, Auntie D and I had *family business* to attend to, so afterwards, we stopped at this little whole in the wall for some dogs!

If you're ever in Southern Maine, I definitely recommend you check 'em out!


Sunday, Auntie D and I got together AGAIN (without Iz this time) to go see "Cabaret"...FANTASTIC!

Today Iz and I are off to story time/gymnastics/Auntie D' Jimmy will be here before & after school! Gotta get going!!!



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