Friday, May 8, 2009

Gardening 101

I do NOT have a green thumb...I have more like a brown, wilted, dying thumb, so last night I attended night one of a two night "Raised-Bed Garden" class through our local adult ed in hopes that some knowledge would rub off on me since I really want to have a productive garden. I don't want to grow a TON, just enough to enjoy through the summer. It's something Iz and I can do together and we both really enjoy it. However, my garden last year was a colossal failure! I learned a lot last night though and am a little more optimistic about this years "crop."

The best part of the class? prodded me into FINALLY planting some seeds, which I have been meaning to do for, oh, about 3 weeks now.

I started pickling cukes, beans, peas, watermelon and pumpkins.

Sometime in the next week or so, I'm going to rebuild my raised bed garden (since it is in a terrible location) and hopefully can grow something :) I also have zucchini, summer squash, spaghetti squash, and more peas/beans that I want to plant...I'll be putting all those in the ground Memorial Day weekend. Plus, buying some tomato plants VERY SOON!

In the meantime, about 2 weeks ago, Iz planted some sunflower and marigold seeds, which are doing GREAT!

Iz's plants
(she has the green -thumb that I don't, I think)

Mother's Day is Sunday....Happy Day to all you Moms out there!

Enjoy the weekend...I know we will :)



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