Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Fun: Union Fair!

Hubby has talked about the Union Fair every year and every year it passes by before we get a chance to go up. Not this year though :) I made a point to mark the dates on our calendar, "like" the fair on FB so I'd get reminders and put it as an item on our Summer Fun List - all to ensure that THIS year we would make it up.

We piled in the car bright and early and we there late morning. Hubby wanted to make sure we were able to catch the K-9 demo the State Police was doing - he's a sucker for shepards and we weren't disappointed by the all black one at the fair! She was a sweetie and the officer with her put on a great presentation :)

A fair isn't a fair without all the animals...

A little pretend :)

A quick game or two...

Some tractors...

Cotton candy!

We had so much fun! A nice, small, fun fair :)



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