Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer Fun: The Ocean, Part 1

After a CRAZY July we've been trying to pack pretty much our entire summer fun list into the month of August (and probably most of Spetember!) but we're determined to check off as many things as we can. We twisted WW's arm (not!) and dragged her along with us to one of my favorite places...the OCEAN!

Hauling our stuff...

Posing - I spent almost every summer of my life just a couple of miles from this beach and spent many a day exploring tidepools, jumping waves and, when I was older, sunbathing and checking out the lifeguards :)

The partly cloudy day didn't stop my girl from having a super fun time!

It wasn't long before she made a new friend and they worked hard on a castle even though the sand was a little too wet for building!

We've been looking for a reasonably priced boogey board for a couple weeks now and found one right before we got to the beach!!!


Thanks for going with us WW...and for being smart enough to actually BRING a camera!!! :)



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