Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Birthday Party

Around here a birthday party is all about presents...we don't mess around....we get straight to it :)

Rapunzel Doll from Mommy & Daddy...

Squinkies from WW and her gang....

Zhu Zhu pet stuff from SnL and Ellie...

A little cutie in the mix :)

There was also money from the grandparents, legos and Barbie clothes from Auntie D and the BIG one.... (remember when I bought this?) ....

The COMPLETE set of Princess Dolls!!!! Wahoo!

Present opening was over in a flash. Time to move onto other things!

A little silliness from Ellie...

Then CAKE and ICE CREAM!!!

Very fun birthday party for my two favorite people! All done planning/hosting birthday parties for another year :)


PBJdreamer said...

Beautiful Family

Beautiful Girls

happy to see it

that is all


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