Tuesday, October 26, 2010

34 Things...Update #3

Alright, I was definitely over ambitious when I thought I would check back in EVERY month about this :)

See the original list plus updates HERE.

#3 Go camping.

#4 Go on vacation with Hubby and Iz.
Also DONE :) I'm on a roll!

#11 Take Iz to the aquarium.

#14 Get a Wii.
Shhhhhhh....don't tell....but this one's done too....just need to wait for Santa to deliver it!

#15 Walk more.
This is a work-in-progress but it's going well - met up with Mel twice last week to walk while the kiddos were at school!

24. Reconnect with an old friend.
YES!!! It had been 3-1/2 years since we'd seen each other but she came up for a visit last week :) Pictures? Nope....we were too busy chatting!

25. Repair a broken friendship.
Also done. 'Nuff said.

The holidays are fast approaching which means lots more going on....we'll see if I can tick a few more things off my list!



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