Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bike Rides, Nice Weather and LOTS of Cuteness!

After story time at the Library yesterday we made our way to Auntie D's and went for our first bike ride of the year!!! SO fun!

The weather has been so nice this week...we are being spoiled :) In the back of my mind, I keep remembering that we could VERY easily get hit with more snow but I'm trying to push that thought away and enjoy the nice weather while we have it.

Look who else we got to hang out with!!! (Notice Iz's BLUE nails...she really IS a teenager on the inside!)

Look who can sit up ALL BY HERSELF!

So much fun enjoying the weather with the girls, spending some Q-Time with Ellie and, of course, getting our "Auntie D fix" for the week :)



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