Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There have been two meltdowns in this family this major, one minor (surprisingly, neither meltdown was mine!).
On Monday I left Iz at Auntie D's house while I went to the hospital to see what was going on with my Dad (long story...maybe another day). Iz spent a few hours there and I picked here up on the way home (it's about 20 miles from Auntie D's to home). About ONE mile from home Iz declares that she forgot her pine cone Christmas thing at Auntie D's house (I had ZERO clue what she was talking about) and I had to TURN AROUND and go get it. Um? No. *insert MAJOR meltdown here*
Hubby rented a movie yesterday (a bad one at that...I ended up picking up my book halfway through and ignoring the TV completely until it was over). He popped the movie in the DVD player and grabbed our "universal" remote (well universal as in it will run the TV, DVD, and stereo but NOT our satellite so we still have 2 remotes floating around) and attempts to change the TV to the correct station to watch his movie. Nothing happens. He replaces the batteries. Nothing happens. *insert minor meltdown here*
Sometimes it's just the littlest things that set us off around here :)
Note: Hubby WAS able to watch his movie after I opened the drawer next to the couch and got the ACTUAL TV and DVD remotes, which work fine. I also reprogrammed the Universal one so there shouldn't be any meltdowns about that in the near future AND we got Iz's pine cone thing when we stopped at Auntie D's today. Phew!



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