Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm Such a SLACKER!

Well, blog-wise, that is.
Only two posts in two weeks....sheesh! Ridiculous!
Now, don't go thinking that I haven't posted because nothing is going on around her....quite the opposite, actually. Iz and I have just been busy, busy, busy! THAT'S why I haven't posted.
This week has involved story time at the library, a meeting with Papa's doctor's/therapists (he's doing MUCH better!), a dentist appointment for me, a LOT of cleaning out/purging stuff here at home, a trip to the movies and lots of SNOW to play in!!!
No pictures though. Too busy to grab my camera, I guess :)
Have a great weekend! We're laying low and, I think, working on the basement tomorrow. Sunday, of course, is ALL ABOUT FOOTBALL!!!! WOO HOO!!!!



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