Thursday, January 7, 2010

How Can It Be...

....that I can shop for HOURS at Wallyworld AND the grocery store AND get gas, spending close to 200 smackeroos and within 10 minutes of being home remember almost 10 things I forgot to buy which will probably cost me close to another 50 bucks???
Shop with a list, you might say.
The problem? I HAD a list....and it was a doozie. I stuck to my list too, meaning all that money I spent was not on a bunch of extra junk we don't need (I only bought one thing not on the list but it IS something we need AND it was half price...totally justifiable). The problem is that there were things that I need that I did not put on the list. Obvious things too - I'm doing a spaghetti dinner this weekend and forgot not only garlic bread but the stuff I need to make sauce! Hello?!? I got meatballs but no tomato sauce? Seriously? It may have been all the "help" Iz gave me while we shopped but I think it's more like the fact that I can be quite a dim-witted idiot at times and it's been a heck of a week.
So, tomorrow, which was supposed to be a day at home getting ready for the busy weekend will now begin with a "quick" and probably expensive trip to town to get everything I forgot. UGH! At least there's a DD there so I can get my iced coffee fix :) Gotta look on the bright side, right?



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