Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday Party....take 2 :)

Iz's birthday was back in January but we waited for nicer weather and less of a risk of being snowed in before throwing a little party for her friends. They all came over yesterday (no joke!) to play and be silly girls and have cake and ice cream. Iz REALLY wanted a Barbie cake and I was happy to oblige :)

The goody bags and snacks and CAKE!

A close-up (with bad lighting - sorry) of the cake.

Goody bags.

Six little girls + one Barbie house = pure JOY :)

Iz and a couple friends taking a reading break.

A quick game of guess who.

Six cuties :)

It was a perfect afternoon. The weather was mild enough for the girls to get outside and play for a while and there was hardly any bickering or disagreements. All in all....SUCCESS :)



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