Friday, December 4, 2009

I Can't WAIT for Tomorrow!

Seriously...tomorrow is going to be a GREAT day!
Starting off with taking Iz to ballet class (always cute AND a good chance for e to have 45 minutes of solid, uninterrupted knitting time!) then Auntie D is being AWESOME enough to watch Iz for the afternoon (since Hubby already has plans of his own) while Mel and I do a little Christmas shopping and then, FINALLY, go see
VERY excited about this! Mel and I have a standing date for all HP and Twilight movies and it's taken us a few weeks to mesh our schedules to go see this one, but tomorrow is the day! I've heard good things about it and can't wait to see super hotty Taylor Lautner all buffed up and looking super yummy as Jacob Black (even though I am TEAM EDWARD all the way!).
YAY! Is it Saturday yet?
Have a great weekend everyone :)
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