Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Can You Hear My Heart Breaking?

It's that time of the year...no, I'm not talking about Christmas. I'm talking about something that has a little bigger impact on me. Something that effects me on a deep, personal level. Something that practically brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
Winter Hiatus*
That's right....ALL my shows are disappearing over the next week or so. The Biggest Loser finale is tonight, the last new Grey's episode until January was a couple weeks ago, no more Private Practice until after the holidays, GLEE is off air until SPRING (yipe!) and the Survivor final is the 20th.
Luckily, come mid-January I will be able to devote 2-3 nights a week to this guy
and this guy
and this girl
and, new this season (and I'm not sure yet how I feel about someone who has NOTHING to do with the music industry involved this show), this girl
Plus The Biggest Loser will be back on the air late winter and Grey's and PP should be back in a few weeks. I'm all for celebrating the holidays and enjoying time at home with family but let's not go overboard, shall we? Do ALL my shows really have to go off-air for most of December? I don't mind season finales in the spring as much (though I DO miss my McDreamy fix in the summer) but I live in MAINE...and I don't ski or snowboard or snowshoe or even go outside in winter unless I HAVE to. There isn't much else to do in December. Well, I guess I could clean my house or something....hmmmmm....nah!
*not sure if that's what it's "technically" called...but that's what I call it



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