Friday, August 28, 2009

A Free Weekend...FINALLY!

Ahhhh...the thought of a free weekend brings a HUGE smile to my face :)
The next two days we have NOTHING going No parties, no traveling, nothing to even get dressed for (except my quick trip down the street to register the van tomorrow).
The last time we had a weekend with nowhere we HAD to go was THIS ONE...remember? That was over a month ago. Since then we've been to a wedding reception, cookout at a friends, Rick Charette, baby shower, my parents' party and the cookout at the in-laws...WHEW! We haven't had a chance to do much of anything else this summer but there's no way we're going to try and make up for it this weekend. This weekend is going to be FULL of a whole lotta nothin' !!!
Plus, the fact that a hurricane is passing close by and all it's supposed to do is POUR will make it a whole lot easier to hunker down and just enjoy being HOME.
Have a great one!!!



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