Monday, August 24, 2009

Annual Cookout at the In-Laws...Part I - The People :)

Yesterday morning, Hubby & I packed up our stuff, grabbed Iz and headed "Downeast" to Hubby's parents house...we stopped along the way and picked up J :) Hubby was SO glad that all 3 of his kiddos would be there!
L & J chatting
The boys (big & small) spent a good part of the day playing baseball
Hubby played for a while...but got too HOT!
Iz hustled the old men with her charm and cuteness :)
From L-R: Bumpy's buddy searching his change for a dollar coin, Bumpy digging in for his wallet & Bumpy's brother handing Iz a buck.
Suckers :)
What a good lookin' group of kids :)
ALL five grand kids...a picture for Grammie & Bumpy!
That's just the beginning....more about the cook-out tomorrow:)



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