Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Graduation Party!

Saturday we celebrated my nephew's high school graduation. The weather was beautiful, the food was awesome and we had a blast! Iz spent most f the day in the pool with the big girls and slept like a ROCK that night :)

I was so busy socializing (can you believe it? ha!) that I didn't get a single picture of the graduate (click HERE if you missed who is was) but I did get a picture of the cake I decorated for him...

Of course, i grabbed some pictures of the girls...

...and I had to get a picture of the together since they were color coordinated. SO not easy sine Mimi is young and Iz has started making dorky faces/poses lately EVERY time I grab my camera!

 I also HAD to grab a shot of Auntie D hanging with Mimi in her little tent...Mimi LOVED having company :)

Awesome party WW and Uncle P! Let's do it again in 2 years when VG graduates, shall we?



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