Wednesday, December 1, 2010

C is for Cookie!

Well folks, here we are. It's December 1st. I'm not entirely sure where the time has gone. Wasn't it just Iz's 4th Birthday? Mother's Day? 4th of July? Halloween? It's amazing how some days can feel so looooooong but you blink and an entire year has gone by.

We're putting up our Christmas decorations tomorrow. Stringing up the lights (one goes out, they ALL go out!) and all that :) We'll have Christmas music playing in the background and hot cocoa ready to sip when we're done.

Iz will open her advent calendar today and start counting down with a little chocolate each night after dinner.

I still need to order Christmas cards and pick up a couple more odds and ends but, really, these next 24 days will be all about spending time together and having FUN!

One of the yummiest ways we'll be having fun is with our

*drum roll please*

12 Days of Christmas (Cookies)

Starting on December 13th, Iz and I will be making cookies or other holiday treats EVERY day through Christmas Eve! Gingerbread Rice Krispie Treats, Thumbprint Cookies, Sugar Cookies and MORE!!! What will we do with all the goodies, you ask? We'll be enjoying some ourselves, freezing some to bring to Auntie D's on Christmas Eve and, most importantly, GIVING some!!! We'll be bringing cookies to share at school, the library and the nursing home Papa stayed at last year.



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