Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Week

I haven't posted in a whole week? Say it ain't so?!?!
The truth is...there hasn't been a whole heck of a lot to post. The last week has been pretty low key around here. Friday night I went shopping with Mel to find her a dress for a wedding (VERY funny, but she wouldn't let me bring my camera into the dressing room...because she knew I would put any pics up here - I told her I would blur her face :) but it was still a no-go) and Saturday was a day at home. Sunday afternoon Iz & I went to my niece's dance recital but they don't allow photography so no pics :( Monday we were home, Tuesday we were home, Wednesday we went to the library and visited both aunts & Nannie & Papa...but, as the world.s worst blogger, I have ZERO pictures! I know you're not surprised.
Hubby and I have also made a decision regarding preschool for Iz this fall. We had been thinking about sending her, but that would mean TWO years of preschool (and the costs that come with it). Instead, she will be home again this school year, but will be given the choice to continue with gymnastics or take dance and we will keep doing our weekly trips to the library and play dates with friends. Then she can start preschool in the Fall 2010, just go for one year and then start Kindergarten....I KNOW I will blink and she will be in school full time so one more year home won't be the worst thing for either of us! It was a big decision, but Hubby and I are both in agreement that we've made the right one.
Hubby is out-of-town for the night...Iz and I are planning on fish for dinner (which Hubby does not eat, so we don't have it nearly as often as we'd like). Then, after Iz goes to bed, I'm watching "Twilight" which I saw once when it was in the theater and DID.NOT.LIKE.AT.ALL. I'm giving it a second chance in the comfort of my own home with no expectations and no giggling girls sitting behind me. We'll see...



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